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For rehabilitation after stroke, accident or
neurological disease:

Virtual-Reality-Therapie with CUREO®


You would also like to experience CUREO®?

Here you can see where CUREO® is already in use.


Download the brochure fromCUREO® and tell your therapist or doctor:


We'll get in touch with your therapist so that you can use CUREO® in future:​

Thank you!


More motivation 

With the flexible CUREO® system, patients can be treated earlier in their rehabilitation and more often.  

Visible successes

With the CUREO® system, success and progress can be made visible..

Motivating game worlds

With CUREO® you dive into various virtual worlds in which they perform the therapy exercises in a playful way.


CUREO® for sensorimotor therapy:

  • Stroke

  • Spinal cord injuries

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Parkinson

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • among other

A detailed overview of all indications, areas of application and therapy goals can be found here: 


This is what patients say

"Suddenly I lifted my left arm, which actually can't do anything because of the pain. (...) And then I cried with joy, something had happened to my arm. And since then I have become a big fan of this system. (...) I am very convinced that it helps me."

Mrs. Käfer, stroke patient

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