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BG Klinikum UKB wins award for digital innovation - among others with CUREO®.

We are delighted with the ukb for winning the Rotthaus KlinikAward 2022 in the field of "Digital Innovation".

BG Klinikum Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin has been one of our loyal customers for some time now. We are always impressed by the clinic's progressive and future-oriented use of digital rehabilitation methods to ensure better therapeutic success for patients. This includes the "ukb Brain Cloud 1.0", a digital therapy room in which innovative therapy measures are used. For example, our virtual reality therapy with CUREO is also used here.

Gamificiation supports patients in their motor or cognitive rehabilitation. High-score systems, such as CUREO 3, promote motivation and patient adherence to therapy - even over a longer therapy period. In combination with classical methods in physical and occupational therapy, these digital solutions offer an optimal complement.

ukb, CUREosity, therapy, digital therapy

Image source: Scheurlen/ukb

We are delighted that the "ukb Brain Cloud 1.0" project has now been named "Digital Innovation" of the Rotthaus KlinikAward 2022. The projects received for the award were first nominated by a top-class jury. The public was then able to vote for their favorite at the "Klinikmarketing" congress, which was held in Berlin. The ukb was able to prevail against a large number of projects.

We congratulate Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin very warmly for this remarkable success!

By the way: In July, there was already an exciting article about the ukb in connection with Long Covid Therapy. Here it was shown that our VR therapy system CUREO is also successfully used for the rehabilitation of patients.


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