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CUREosity at the MedInTechs!

On 13 & 14 March 2023, Carsten Stein and Boris Fiaudrin from our Sales Team were at MedInTechs in Paris, a relevant trade fair for innovations in the healthcare and technology sector.

In addition to interesting discussions with potential customers, visitors were able to test our CUREO system directly on site.

Employees of a MedTech Company from Düsseldorf

With MedInTechs, we have taken our first steps in the French market, which offers great potential and is open to innovative therapy options such as VR therapy. We will work the market together with our partner, Elite Médicale.

Dorine Hugebaert supported us at our booth at MedInTechs and we look forward to a successful collaboration with Elite Médicale.

The website of our distributor from France can be accessed directly via this link:

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