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CUREosity in leading swiss clinics

Updated: Jul 16, 2021

We look back on an exciting week in Switzerland!

After first being at the Winterthur Cantonal Hospital, we also presented CUREO at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre in Nottwil.

The Winterthur Cantonal Hospital is one of the ten largest hospitals in Switzerland and treats over 240,000 patients every year. In addition to basic medical care, the hospital offers high-quality treatment of various indications for patients in a wide range of specialties.

The Swiss Paraplegic Centre in Nottwil is a specialist clinic for spinal cord, paraplegic and respiratory care and supports patients both in acute phases and in lifelong rehabilitation. Nationally and internationally recognised, the clinic is part of the Swiss Paraplegic Group, which focuses on the holistic rehabilitation of patients with spinal paralysis.

CUREosity, Kantonspital Winterthur, Schweizer Paraplegiker Zentrum

Many thanks to Peter Brem from the Winterthur Cantonal Hospital and Dr Meunzel from SPC Nottwil for the excellent organisation. The initial feedback we received was very promising and positive. We are pleased that we are also inspiring people beyond the national borders with our VR therapy and are already looking forward to the next steps!

The corresponding feedback can be read here:


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