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CUREosity introduces: Eugenia Jordan, Head of HR

In today's article from the series "CUREosity introduces", we talk to Eugenia, who heads our HR department. She talks about her day-to-day work, how she goes into job interviews, and why she made a conscious decision not to join a corporate group.

C: Please introduce yourself briefly, Eugenia!

Eugenia: Servus, my name is Eugenia Jordan and I have been working at CUREosity since June 1, 2022. At CUREosity, I am the Head of Human Resources. My work consists of three building blocks: The first two are part of the "Employer Life Cycle": an employee's time from hiring to leaving. Primarily, I recruit new staff from interns to full-time employees. Recruitment is about targeted positioning of job postings, where it is important to know which platform to select for which job group. By all means, a working student can be found on Instagram, a controller is more likely to be found on LinkedIn, and software developers cavort on gaming platforms. The second component is employee support and retention, which takes up most of my time in the day-to-day work: from certifying employees, to providing information, to finding suitable training. It's very important to promote and challenge your own talents and thus train your own experts. At the same time, this goes beyond the professional, because it is also sometimes a part of the HR department to create a pleasant working atmosphere, so as to ensure the satisfaction of colleagues. The third part is the employer branding, which finalizes the two aforementioned components and itself in the external effect of the enterprise. This is about establishing CUREosity as a brand on the job market.

C: Why did you decide to join CUREosity? What is your personal motivation?

E: I was consciously looking for companies that were outside the corporate structure and for an employer that would give me a sense of purpose in my work. I was looking for challenges to bring in my creative as well as structured side and thus leave a personal mark on the further development of the company. In addition, I am also familiar with the rehab sector from my private life. On the one hand, I have always been interested in the medical industry, and on the other hand, I was strongly influenced by my mother's profession, who works as an occupational therapist in an outpatient practice.

C: What is it like to work at CUREosity?

E: Only fixed structures make me unhappy, which is why I need space for my creative chaos. The many creative options at CUREosity, on the other hand, allow me to establish my own structure and lay out my tasks as they fit into my daily routine. My daily work routine is determined by many projects that have different deadlines, which is why there are often topics running in parallel and it's up to me to decide how to prioritize them.

C: Tell us about the funniest/most interesting/most exciting experience with CUREosity!

E: I deal with a wide variety of characters every day. No two job postings, no two applicants are alike. In phone interviews, you can guess an applicant's character after a sentence or two. What is special is the ease of the conversations. Many are positively surprised by the informal interview and the duz culture. This makes it easier to get to know each other and gives the applicant the opportunity to open up more quickly. That's why I take something new away for myself from every interview and consider each one a special experience.

C: What do you wish for yourself and CUREosity in the future?

E: I wish that we continue to grow, not only nationally but also internationally. I wish for greater awareness in the medical and rehab world so that more affected patients can benefit from CUREO to make their return to life easier.

C: Your job in 3 words!

Diverse, motivating, conceptual.

C: Thank you for the interview, Eugenia!

For more insights into the daily work of our experts, click here to read the interview with 3D and Concept Designer Sebastian and Business Developer Jannik.


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