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First CUREosity won WSA-Germany, now we won WSA-Global Award 2020!

Updated: Aug 27, 2021

After the first national rounds, CUREosity has made it to the WSA-Global 2020. We are proud to be among the 40 international winners and happy to receive the WSA Global Award 2020 in the category "Health & Well Being" alongside 4 other winners.

The 40 WSA Winners 2020 focus on the world’s most pressing issues - be it climate change, health, agriculture or diversity - and provide digital solutions to react to the global pandemic.

Ranging from Chile to Vanuatu, from South Africa to Finland - the WSA winners from 26 countries were selected out of 380 nominations from 182 participating countries.

We are looking forward to attending the WSA Global Congress (22-24.03.2021) at the end of March to present our company in an international context and to compete against the WSA Global Champion 2021.

According to the WSA-Germany Jury statement "CUREosity is the best example that digital content can cure. By visual stimulation, this therapy system evokes the reconfiguration of nerves. This capability of the nervous system has been observed and used in treatment of stroke and paraplegics patients since many years. The uniqueness of CUREosity is, that with the use of virtual reality and gamification of digital content the effect is multiplied and time of recovery is speeded up.

“The WSA Winners combine two major focus points - the commitment on the UN SDGs and solving societies issues with smart content application. Evaluated by an international expert Jury in 2 stages – a multi-stakeholder college unique in terms of diversity and background – the 40 WSA Winners have been tried for sustainability, aim, technical and strategic finesse. This year’s challenges show more than ever how much digital means can offer progress and solutions. This year’s WSA Winners present a wonderful showcase of purpose driven innovation and entrepreneurship.“ WSA Chairman Peter A. Bruck states.

Through immersive worlds and virtual reality, the patient's motivation and joy for high-frequency training is sustainably increased which brings the extra effect. Based on clinical trials and the proven effectiveness, this new technology and a newly developed therapy, is now being used in rehabilitations centres in Germany.

The founder team is a driven by live experience/tragedy since the founders are parents of children with nerve diseases. The solution is under continues development. Within next 4 years, the team wants to enable most patients to live without external help or at least improve control of their body an regain independence."

The World Summit Awards are a unique awards system, selecting and promoting local digital innovation with high impact on improving society. Combining an ongoing series of international events and activities with a global network of start-ups, social entrepreneurs, mentors, jurors, speakers, experts, government leaders, academia and civil society, WSA is an international platform for cut edge examples on how ICTs can have an impact on society.

Running since 2003, WSA has become a quality seal for digital content with societal impact in over 180 participating countries.

Follow this link to read more about WSA-Germany or WSA-global.


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