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Positive Feedback from Mainkofen

We had already reported on the successful delivery of CUREO at the Mainkofen District Hospital. Now we have received further positive feedback.

Among others, Martina Lösl, management assistant and project manager in the area of digitalization and medical care, has published a post on the LinkedIn platform in which she reports on the use of CUREO in the neurological center of the district hospital. She calls it a "lighthouse project in stroke therapy"(original quote:"Leuchtturmprojekt der Schlaganfall-Therapie") and highlights the increased motivation as well as resilience of those affected.

CUREO and VR Therapy at Bezirsklinikum Mainkofen

The regional magazine also reports about the complementary therapy method and quotes chief physician Prof. Dr. Schmidt-Wilcke, who is also pleased about the potentials of virtual reality in general, but also about the possibilities offered by our system.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for the positive feedback and are pleased that so many patients have already been supported with CUREO during their rehabilitation!


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