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Prof. Dr. Meyer-Falcke in action with CUREO

Updated: Jul 16, 2021

Last week we already reported about the visit of Prof. Dr. Pinkwart, Minister of Economics of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as Prof. Dr. Meyer-Falcke, CIO of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, at CUREosity.

As described in this blog post, one of the topics was to introduce CUREO to our visitors - our therapy software based on virtual reality. Prof. Dr. Meyer-Falcke put on the VR goggles and went through some of our modules. Besides catching meteors and relaxing in peaceful landscapes, he also tried out our finger module, which was released with the update 1.1. Here he should burst balloons with single fingers or the complete hand.

In this video we have cut together some scenes:

Thank you again for visiting CUREosity!


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