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Release CUREO 1.1: Hand and finger tracking, music therapy, ADL training and much more!

Updated: Jul 16, 2021

With the release of CUREO 1.1, you can expect new, unique modules and enhanced features of our VR therapy software. Starting with selective finger tracking, music therapy, training of everyday tasks and much more, the CUREO Update 1.1 will convince you!

Hand and finger training in "finger"

In the new module “finger”, the fine motor skills and hand coordination are targeted. Fingers can also be selectively addressed. In addition to the tweezer grip with thumb and individual fingers, patients can also train the power grip or the opening and closing of the hand. Thanks to CUREO's visual hand tracking, no controllers are needed to translate the movements of the hands and fingers into the virtual world. Patients have undisturbed freedom of movement.

Finger training_CUREO

Mirror therapy after stroke

In addition, mirror therapy is offered in "finger", as in the other modules of CUREO. Exercises with hands and fingers can be performed barrier-free, mirrored, without the need to set up appropriate equipment. Activated at the touch of a button, therapists can save valuable time and focus more on their patients. Especially for patients after a stroke, mirror therapy is a valuable therapy method.

ADL training in "daily"

The new "daily" module focuses on promoting patients' everyday skills, independence and multi-step action planning. Particularly for patients who are unable to participate in social life, or only to a limited extent, learning to cope with activities of daily living (ADL) is an important first step in rehabilitation. In a safe environment, such as a virtual therapy kitchen, patients learn how to deal with everyday challenges.

ADL Training_CUREO

Promoting risk awareness

Their orientation in space and the planning and implementation of procedures are trained. Thanks to VR, patients can also use dangerous tools and practice handling objects. For example, they can prepare dishes on a hot stove or use a sharp measuring. Visual and auditory cues support and guide them, which also promotes their risk awareness.

VR music therapy with "Taiko"

The "moto" module was expanded to include the "Taiko" therapy game. Based on a music therapy approach, movements are guided and movement synchronization is promoted. In virtual reality, patients sit in front of drums whose number and distance can be flexibly adjusted by the therapist. Tempo and rhythm are also variable. With virtual drumsticks in their hands, patients are encouraged to beat the drums to a set beat.

Rhythmic training

The combination of rhythmic and acoustic stimulation simultaneously promotes therapy compliance, i.e. readiness for therapy, and offers another varied form of therapy with music.


Relaxation exercises in "relax"

In the "relax" module, the focus is on helping patients relax, positively influencing their mood and promoting body awareness. New landscapes such as the forest or beach environment, as well as a color room, offer patients a mood-lifting change from their daily therapy routine.


Chromotherapy with colors

Patients are surrounded by green trees in the forest environment or by the expanse of the sea on the beach. In the color space, the patients are surrounded by colored light in the sense of chromotherapy They can influence the colors of the room through their (hand) movements, which contributes to relaxation.


Are you curious about the new modules and their functions? Contact us! We would be happy to present CUREO and the new modules as well as functions to you in a personal conversation. Just use our contact form or call us directly!


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